jueves, 25 de enero de 2007

Algunos conceptos básicos referentes a SDAIE y Sheltered English

En una anterior sesión del grupo de trabajo nos encontramos con el concepto "scaffolding", que aunque deducible como técnica SIOP aún no se nos quedaba claro. Aquí he encontrado la definición enmarcada en una derivación de este enfoque, el llamado, y si cabe más conocido SDAIE.
(Specially-Designed Academic-Instruction in English).

Curriculum concepts

The following curriculum concepts are part of our current educational vocabulary. For the purposes of clarification in regard to SDAIE, we have included both their definitions and philosophies.

Integrated Curriculum:
Integrated curriculum is teaching the relationship of two or more disciplines and often teaching them in a manner to demonstrate the relevancy of the learning to the students' lives. This approach often entails team-teaching in a shared room by two or more teachers in a span of two or more consecutive periods.
The concept of "hands-on" may be taken literally or figuratively. In a literal sense, it refers to the many manipulatives, realia, and activities in which the ELD/ESL student physically engages. And, in a figurative sense, it refers to a practical activity of creation and presentation as contrasted to the passivity of a class consisting largely of lecture and reading.
A word-bank is a list of the key concepts in an article or selection of literature that the students read. Although the list may contain vocabulary with which the students may be unfamiliar, the main purpose of the list is to alert the students to the significant ideas and concepts in the reading.
"Scaffolding" is a metaphor which illustrates the process of accumulating knowledge. As scaffolding for workmen is carefully constructed in order to insure their safety, so are layers of knowledge gathered and stored to ensure a sound basis for continued learning. Scaffolding is different from sequencing, which is a timetable to cover a certain amount of chapters within a book in a specified and limited amount of time, often disregarding students who cannot maintain the pace.
Authentic Assessment:
Authentic Assessment is the practice of evaluating a student, not by basing the judgment on isolated skills, but rather by basing the judgment on a finished project or product which incorporates many skills to ensure its completion.
Heterogeneous Grouping:
This concept refers to programing students in classes by ability rather than by grade-level. Thus, students from several grade-levels can be placed in one class. This practice is preferred in the case of ELD and SDAIE classes.

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